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Topic | Link | Helpful vocabulary | Subtitles? | Passage length (approx) |
Jagalchi market merchant halmoni talks about working with eels. | | 생물=living organism, 보호=protection, 일명=alias, 건드리다=to hurt or irritate, 방어용=defense mechanism, 제거하다=to remove. | Yes | 45s |
Jagalchi merchant halmoni greets longtime male customer and trot singer, who then describes their relationship and serenades an audience. | | 치=worth (as in “$30 worth”), 업=job, 겸사겸사=with a double purpose, 여전하다=to be the same as before, 배경=setting or backdrop. | Yes, partial | 2m 37s |
Younger mom talks about radioactivity in the water supply. | | 장염=enteritis (inflammation of the intestine), 몰래=secretly, 실험=test, 자체=itself (as in “the water itself”). | Yes | 40s |
Older men and women talk about the summer heat. | | 푹푹=boilingly, 찌다=to be sweltering, 흠뻑 젖다=completely soaked. | Yes | 1m |
Halmoni talks about the difficulties of living alone. | | 부양하다=to support, 구부러지다=to be bent, 장가=marriage (from the man’s perspective. contrast with 시집). | Yes | 1m 56s |
Working-class halmonis talk about the difficulties of hard labor. | | 벌어먹다=to earn a living, 입장=situation, 껴입다=to dress in layers. | Yes | 1m 18s |
Halmoni talks about her philosophy on raising her 6-year-old granddaughter and feeds her some yogurt. | | 투정 부리다=to complain, 어리광 하다=to act like a baby, 엄하다=to be stern, 기대다=to rely. | Yes | 2m 9s |
Ahjeosshi talks about waiting in line for food at the market. | | Yes | 12s | |
Market ahjumma talks about her newborn goat. | | 쥐어박다=to hit or scold. | Yes | 40s |
Guy talks about bringing his friends to a 고등어갈비 restaurant. | | Yes | 10s | |
Ahjeosshi talks about the food working fishermen rely on. | | Yes | 17s | |
Village ahjumma talks about working with 미역 (seaweed). | | 널다=to hang out to dry, 건조시키다=to dry or dehydrate, 떼다=to take off or detach. | Yes | 32s |
영도 해녀 halmonis talk about their work and history. | | 지문=fingerprint, 험하다=to be tough, 주민등록증=resident registration card, 고무=rubber, 발가벗다=to be stripped, 쬐다=to bask | Yes | 2m 2s |
Halmoni talks about living near a gravesite. | | 우암동=a town in Busan, 무덤=grave, 시골=countryside, 산소=grave (polite form), 고수레하다=to give food to the spirits. | Yes | 50s |
칼국수 restaurant halmoni talks about her business and cooking secrets. | | 달인=master, 주변에서 소문나다=to be well known around here, 비결=secret method, 댓뿌리=디포리=a longer anchovy-like fish, 얄구진=nasty or low-quality (from 얄궂다), 소곤소곤=in whispers, 본래=the beginning. | Yes | 47s |
Ahjeosshi talks about a Japanese colonial-era relay station in his neighborhood. | | 용도=purpose, 짓다=to make, 동경=Tokyo, 통신=communication, 중계소=relay station, 전화선=phone line, 당시=that time, 깔리다=to be buried, 차단=block or obstruction. | Yes | 45s |
Merchant halmoni talks to reporter about one of her gourds. | | 박=gourd, 바가지=vessel for liquid. | Yes | 39s |
Merchant ahjumma talks to reporter about her “bird house” dwelling above the market. | | 눈 붙이다=to sleep or get some shut-eye, 번거롭다=inconvenient, 공간=space. | Yes | 37s |
Scrivener in 부민동 talks about his vanishing profession. | | 대서소=scrivener’s office, 의외로=surprisingly, 용돈=allowance, 유지=maintaining. | Yes, partial | 49s |
고갈비 halmoni restaurant owner talks about the history of her restaurant. | | 육신=body, 들락거리다=to pop in and out, 허옇다=white, 자매=sister, 영원하다=to be eternal, 개떡=useless person, 모친=mother (polite), 서민적=folksy or common. | Yes | 1m 28s |
Reporter and local businessman talk about the site of an old 명태 (pollack) warehouse. | | 뜯다=to remove, 보관하다=to store, 고방=storeroom, 너르다=spacious, 단일 건물=single building, 기둥=pillar, 근대화=modernization, 왜정 시대=the Japanese colonial period, 습기=moisture, 방지하다=to prevent. | Yes | 1m 13s |
Reporter talks to halmoni about an old public-use water supply in an alley. | | 공용=public use, 수도=water supply, 미역=bathing, 감다=to wash, 등목=the act of washing another person’s back, 인심=hearts and minds of people, 뜯기다=to be removed, 볼만하다=worth seeing. | Yes, partial | 1m 2s |
Reporter talks to ahjeosshi about his Japanese colonial-era house and a “special” variety of pear which was grown there. | | 해방=independence from colonial Japan, 왜정시대=the period of Japanese rule in Korea, 갑부=super rich person, 대저=generally speaking, 리어카=handcart (“rear car”), 싣다=to load, 수송하다=to transport, 소문=rumor, 실제로=actually. | Yes, partial | 1m |
Reporter talks to 가야동 ahjummas about a movie filmed on location in front of their shops. | | 축대=embankment, 촬영=shooting (a movie), 난리=chaos, 포대=sack, 얻다=to get (without any special effort), 피해=damage. | Yes | 1m 18s |
Reporter asks ahjeosshi how a local well got its name. | | 우물=well, 황새알=stork egg. | Yes | 35s |
Reporter gets a house tour of an old post-war 1950s charcoal brick house (Part 1). | | 재개발=redevelopment, 야단=trouble, 연탄=charcoal briquet, 때다=to burn, 틈=crack, 작품=product, 단칸방=studio. | Yes | 1m 18s |
Reporter gets a house tour of an old post-war 1950s charcoal brick house. (Part 2) Owner tells a story of mice and cats in the attic. | | 도배지=wallpaper, 무늬=pattern, 천장=ceiling, 헛간=storage, 쫓아댕기다 (from 좇아다니다)=to follow or chase after, 내려다보다=to look down, 뚫다=to dig, 새끼=baby, 내려앉다=to collapse. | Yes | 55s |
Reporter talks to halmoni about living on the roof of 복천동 market. | | 등기부=register, 쫓겨나다=to be kicked out, 별장=villa. | Yes | 38s |
Reporter visits electronic parts store and talks business with the owner. | | 형성되다=to be formed, 집세=rent, 총=in total, 호황=success, 이루다=to achieve, 전기=electricity, 빠져나가다=to get out, 전자=electronics, 기업=company, 생산=production, 위주=center or focus, 중소기업=small business, 매출=sales, 함=square box for storing objects, 헤아리다=to count, 부품=part or component, 실습=practical exercise. | Yes | 1m 2s |
Reporter interviews 할아버지 on “clock street” in Seomyeon about his work and his shop’s history. | | 선풍기=fan, 자유당=the Liberal Party established by 이승만 in 1951, 상가=shopping street, 시내=downtown, 개업하다=to open for business, 수만=tens of thousands, -다시피=almost like, 쇠락=decline, 자그마하다=to be somewhat small, 방안=way or method, 아기자기하다=to be harmonious, 이쑤시개=toothpick, 미세하다=to be tiny, 벗겨지다=to come off or be taken off, 파내다=to dig out, 칸=partition. | Yes | 2m 24s |
Reporter talks to ahjeosshi on “clock street” in Seomyeon about the disappearance of specialty shops like his. | | 철거하다=to demolish, 영업=to do business, 흩어지다=to scatter, 명물=specialty, 상당히=considerably or pretty, 유통하다=to circulate, 한산하다=to be quiet. | Yes | 1m 8s |
Reporter observes a game of go-stop between merchants at Mangmi-dong general market. | | 손놀림=hand gestures, 초잡스럽다=messy, 머숨아=guy, 사공=boatman, 판=game or round, 간판=sign, 종합시장=general market, 상가=shopping street, 복합=united, 재래시장=traditional market, 난리=fuss. | Yes | 1m 33s |
Reporter visits a 참기름 (sesame oil) shop in 범일동. | | 퍼지다=to spread, 굴다리=underpass, 왜정시대=Japanese colonial period, 쌍굴=twin tunnel, 넝마주이=junk dealer, 깻묵=sesame dregs. | Yes | 1m 55s |
Reporter talks to lacquerware craftsman (나전 칠기) and plays with the craftsman’s dogs. | | 장롱=wardrobe, 시커멓다=jet black, 요거=this, 방울=bell, 뜯다=to bite, 명물=celebrity, 나전 칠기=lacquerware inlaid with mother-of-pearl, 용=dragon, 용띠=Year of the dragon, 액자=frame, 작품=product, 뽑다=to withdraw. | Yes | 2m 26s |
Reporter visits a dressmaker’s shop. | | 의상실=boutique, 재봉하다=to sew, 오버로크=overlock stitching machine, 양장점=dressmaker’s shop, 기성복=ready-made or store-bought clothes. | Yes | 34s |
Reporter eats 돼지갈비 at a small restaurant on a famous street in 초량. | | 조그마하다=to be small, 아담하다=to be elegant or petite, 소문=rumor, 낙=joy, 새민=사민=the whole nation. | Yes, partial | 1m 1s |
Reporter talks to halmoni selling 죽 at 부산 국제시장 (Busan international market). | | 원조=originator, 따끈따끈하다=to be very hot. | Yes | 56s |
할아버지 haggles over the price at a repair shop in 부산 국제시장 (Busan international market). | | 아따=come on!, 치다=to consider. | Yes | 38s |
Reporter visits a 할머니 at her convenience store in a deserted alley in 당감동 and talks business. | | 아담하다=to be neat, 형광등=fluorescent lamp, 태화고무=the name of a rubber gloves company, 출가시키다=to make someone leave home, 재개발 지역=redevelopment zone, 소일 삼다=to keep idling away, 다락방=attic. | Yes | 1m 19s |
Reporter and convenience store 아줌마 talk about her store’s location in 당감동 and its history. | | 아담하다=to be neat or tidy, 터=site, 하천=river or stream, 미나리=dropwort plant, 깡=밭=farm, 재개발=redevelopment, 비다=to be empty, 담요=blanket, 짓다=to bundle. | Yes | 1m 35s |
Reporter talks to halmoni about an ingenious housekeeping trick. | | 일로=over here, 달다=to hang, 널어놓다=to hang things out, 지혜=wisdom. | Yes | 50s |
Reporter visits an urban garden in 우2동 and talks to the older couple who lives there. | | 수세미=loofah (the plant, not the sponge), 주렁주렁=hanging bountifully, 호박=pumpkin, 박=gourd, 철=season, 열매=fruit, 싱싱하다=fresh, 약재=medicinal, 도랑=ditch, 들어서다=to be built, 하천=stream. | Yes | 49s |
Reporter visits a pay toilet at 버전시장 market and talks with the ahjumma who works there. | | 요금=fee, 외지=other area, 남한=South Korea, 드물다=uncommon, 퍼요 (from 푸다)=to scoop up and take outside. | Yes | 1m 41s |
Reporter visits a bookstore in 보수동 and buys a book after chatting with the owner. | | 세계=world, 명언=famous saying, 모음집=compilation, 신학기=new semester, 중고=used or secondhand, 참고서=reference, 줄다=to decrease, 몰리다=to flock or swarm, 퇴장하다=to leave. | Partial | 1m 48s |
Halmoni in 문현동 talks about the difficulties of housework and preparing food in the old days. | | 대가리=head (slang), 밥상=dining table, 다라이 (일본어)=대야=washbowl, 이다=to put on the head, 팔다=to buy crops, 걸어놓다=to prepare, 줍다=to pick up, 안동네=village in the same county (archaic). | Yes | 23s |
Gas delivery guy (가스배달) makes a stop at the home of an elderly man and chats briefly with him. | | 경로당=senior citizen center, 총각=bachelor, 욕보다=to have a hard time. | Yes | 1m 15s |
Gas delivery guy (가스배달) talks to reporter about finding houses and getting new business. | | 태반=majority, 마땅히=naturally, 간=between, 약속=promise or appointment, 며칠=a few days. | Yes | 51s |
Reporter talks to some shuttle boat operators playing 윷놀이 in the street near the harbor. | | 시간 보내다=to pass the time, 말 서다=to move the game piece (in 윷놀이), 통선=shuttle boat, 내기=betting. | Yes | 26s |
Older halmoni visits the doctor’s office. | | 변비=constipation, 약을 타다=to pick up medicine, 어중간하다=awkward or inconvenient, 모시다=to accompany (honorific), 변소=lavatory, 소변=urine, 머리 치다=to cut one’s hair. | Yes | 36s |
범일동 market ahjumma talks about how taxi drivers in the old days balked at the narrow market access road. | | 이웃=neighbor, 좁다=to be narrow, 기사=driver, 돌아내려가다=to turn around and go back down, 서로=each other, 요금=fare, 마비되다=to be paralyzed (figuratively). | Yes | 44s |