1. 그래 한번 볼게.
Sure, I’ll take a look.
Sure, I’ll take a look.
3. 그니까 실내로 가야지 바보야 애를 덮어 씨아 갖고 나가갖고 (나쁜 공기는) 너만 마시고.
That’s why you need to stay indoors, dummy, and cover the baby when you go outside so only you breathe the air.
That’s why you need to stay indoors, dummy, and cover the baby when you go outside so only you breathe the air.
4. 유모차 태워갈 거 아닌데 뭐 실내로 가면 되지 그냥.
You’re not gonna put him in the stroller anyways, so just stay indoors.
You’re not gonna put him in the stroller anyways, so just stay indoors.
5. 그럼 바보 보고 바보라지. 그러면 뭐라하겠노?
Of course, when I see an idiot, I call them an idiot. What should I say?
Of course, when I see an idiot, I call them an idiot. What should I say?
7. 느그 어디 가는데?
Where are you all going?
Where are you all going?
10. 여기는 배 나오나 이런 거를 직접적으로 말하지 않고 뭐 ‘beer belly’라든지 ‘love handle’이라든지 막 이런식으로 미화에서 표현을 하는데 우리는 ‘똥 쌌다’고 똥배란다 아이가.
Here, if your stomach sticks out or something, they don’t say it directly. Instead it’s called a “beer belly” or a “love handle”, or they use other expressions to glamorize it. We just call it a “place for the poop”.
Here, if your stomach sticks out or something, they don’t say it directly. Instead it’s called a “beer belly” or a “love handle”, or they use other expressions to glamorize it. We just call it a “place for the poop”.
12. 심하게 박았구만.
She bumped into it pretty hard, seems like.
She bumped into it pretty hard, seems like.
14. 우리 약 발라야 되나?
Do we need to apply medicine?
Do we need to apply medicine?
15. 바디 수트 안 입을란다고.
She’s saying she’s not gonna wear the body suit.
She’s saying she’s not gonna wear the body suit.
16. 아이고 안 먹는데매! 저게 안 먹는거가?
Oh my goodness, you said she’s not eating! You call that not eating?
Oh my goodness, you said she’s not eating! You call that not eating?
17. 기침을 계속 하드마는 열도 좀 나기 다시 시작하는 거야.
She kept coughing, and then she started to have a bit of a fever again.
She kept coughing, and then she started to have a bit of a fever again.
18. 그러드마는 갑자기 ‘으엑 으엑’ 이래갖고 내가 안고 이렇게 두드려갖고 나한테 다 토하고.
So then all of a sudden she’s like “bleck!”, and I picked her up and patted her like this, and then she puked all over me.
So then all of a sudden she’s like “bleck!”, and I picked her up and patted her like this, and then she puked all over me.
19. 안 그래도 어제 피자를 먹는데 조금 걱정 되드라고.
Actually when she was eating pizza yesterday, I did get a little worried.
Actually when she was eating pizza yesterday, I did get a little worried.
22. 왜 그래요?
Why is she doing that?
Why is she doing that?
23. 걔가 뭘 만들기를 하고 있는데 걔보고 좀 도와 달라 한거야.
The kid was doing some crafts, and he asked the kid to help him.
The kid was doing some crafts, and he asked the kid to help him.
24. 거기 가서 그 남편이랑 나랑 커피 한 잔 하는 동안 쟤는 잘 잤어.
We went there, and while hubby and I were having coffee she had a good nap.
We went there, and while hubby and I were having coffee she had a good nap.
26. 물 좀 먹이세요, 물.
Feed her some water please, water.
Feed her some water please, water.
27. 좀 잘랑가 싶어서.
It seems like she might sleep a little.
It seems like she might sleep a little.
29. 그랬드만 뭐라고 하는 줄 아나? ‘진짜 좋겠다’ 하면서 마누라랑 아 둘이 다 없으면 얼마나 좋겠노.
And then you know what he said? “That would be great,” he said, if his wife and two kids were gone, “How great would that be?”
And then you know what he said? “That would be great,” he said, if his wife and two kids were gone, “How great would that be?”
31. 얘 키워 달라면 돼잖아.
You can just ask her to take care of the kid.
You can just ask her to take care of the kid.