Nov 21, 2015
Garam and I arrived at San Francisco airport early. While we were waiting in the security line, I heard somebody call my name and turned to find a friend from graduate school, flying to Israel on business with his company.
Nov 21, 2015
Garam and I arrived at San Francisco airport early. While we were waiting in the security line, I heard somebody call my name and turned to find a friend from graduate school, flying to Israel on business with his company.
This is a WordPress site, but I used to use Blogger. One day I wanted to create dialogue in a Blogger post, and I realized it wasn’t as straightforward as I hoped.
We arrived at last in Santiago de Chile, the “de” being added by people in-the-know, I learned. We were exhausted and reeking of vomit, because our daughter Sofia decided to puke everywhere just as we were preparing to deplane.